Training of Prospective Officers for the February 2024 National Labor Force Survey (Sakernas) - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jayapura Municipality

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Training of Prospective Officers for the February 2024 National Labor Force Survey (Sakernas)

Training of Prospective Officers for the February 2024 National Labor Force Survey (Sakernas)

January 25, 2024 | BPS Activities

Capturing the Current Situation of Employment 
in Jayapura City

Jayapura, Sahabat Data - On January 23-25, 2024, BPS Jayapura City held the February 2024 National Labor Force Survey (Sakernas) Field Officer Training. The training, which was held through the Zoom application and face-to-face, was attended by 7 participants, namely 2 PML (Field Checking Officers) and 5 PPL (Field Data Collection Officers). The training was guided by two Instructors.
         The Sakernas 2024 Field Officer Training aims to provide a complete understanding before going to the field, including concepts, methodologies, instruments, and data collection procedures (especially through the Fasih application). The hope is that field officers can obtain quality and accurate labor data in accordance with the objectives of Sakernas itself.

      With this training, officers are expected to have the ability to carry out their duties according to the SOP, including in terms of filling out surveys and setting set schedules. As this activity coincided with the election period, officers were reminded to maintain neutrality when carrying out their duties.

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