Handover Position of BPS Head of Jayapura Municipality - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jayapura Municipality

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Handover Position of BPS Head of Jayapura Municipality

Handover Position of BPS Head of Jayapura Municipality

September 3, 2024 | Other Activities

            Dear Data Companion - In the meeting room BPS of Jayapura Municipality Office, on Tuesday (03/09), a farewell ceremony for the Head of Jayapura Municipality BPS was held. The position Head of BPS of Jayapura Municipality which was previously held by Jeffry Yohanes de Fretes who is now entering retirement was replaced by Sugianto, SST, M.Si as PLT Head of BPS of Jayapura Municipality. The event was also attended by the Head of BPS Papua Province, Adriana Helena Carolina, SE, MM.
            In her spech, Mrs. Adriana hoped that the new leadership will bring positive changes to BPS of Jayapura Municipality and is expected to maintain the good and resolve what needs to be improved.
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