Jayapura City Peoples Welfare Indicators in 2022 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jayapura Municipality

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Jayapura City Peoples Welfare Indicators in 2022

Catalog Number : 4102004.9471
Publication Number : 94710.2302
Release Date : January 27, 2023
File Size : 9.66 MB


Improving people's welfare is a development target carried out bygovernment. To achieve a level of welfare that is expected, needs to be doneseries of programs that are continuous, comprehensive,directed and integrated. Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate andplanning of a number of indicators that canreflects the development of the level of people's welfare,which is reviewed from the development between time, diversity betweenarea, and gender equality. Publication of Welfare IndicatorsThe people are meant to present the indicators thatmeant.This publication presents levels of developmentthe welfare of the population of Jayapura City over time andcomparison with Papua, which is groupedaccording to gender. The indicators presentedin this publication describes various aspects of welfarefor which data is available and measurable. The data used is sourcedfrom the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) and the Office of Education andTeaching. BPS data comes from the results of the Socio-Economic SurveyNational (Susenas), as well as City District Population ProjectionsPapua Province 2010-2022.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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