The Beautiful Village Programme: Building Statistical Literacy from Engros Village - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jayapura Municipality

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The Beautiful Village Programme: Building Statistical Literacy from Engros Village

The Beautiful Village Programme: Building Statistical Literacy from Engros Village

November 3, 2023 | Other Activities

Jayapura - Village governments are the organisers of statistical activities in their respective areas. This is as stated in Law (UU) No. 6 of 2014 concerning Villages and Presidential Regulation No. 39 of 2019 concerning One Data Indonesia (SDI).  
In connection with this, in 2023 BPS implemented the Beautiful Village Development programme. That is Village Love Statistics. This programme is a continuous and comprehensive development of sectoral statistics at the village level.

Therefore, the village as the smallest area becomes increasingly important because it is no longer the object of development, but rather the subject and spearhead of development. So it is necessary to strengthen village governance, including in terms of statistical data management for regional development programmes.

The general objective of this programme is to increase literacy, awareness and the active role of village officials and the community in the implementation of statistical activities. The next objective is the Standardisation of Statistical Data Management to maintain the quality and comparability of statistical indicators. Next is the optimisation of the use and utilisation of statistical data so that development programs in villages/kelurahan are right on target. While the last goal is to form statistical agents at the village level.

Recognising the important role of villages in the management and development of statistical literacy, the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) of Jayapura City is gradually implementing the Beautiful Village Development Program in Enggros Village. This is the 3rd village in Jayapura City to be selected as a beautiful village after Gurabesi Village, and Vim.

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