Interview for Prospective Statistical Partner of BPS Jayapura Municipality - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jayapura Municipality

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Interview for Prospective Statistical Partner of BPS Jayapura Municipality

Interview for Prospective Statistical Partner of BPS Jayapura Municipality

December 1, 2023 | Other Activities

Attracting Statistical Partners Through Commitment and Competence

Jayapura, Data Companion - The Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) of Jayapura Municipality held an interview stage for prospective Statistical Partners in 2023, Friday (01/12/2023).

The implementation of the interview stage lasted for one day starting at 08.30 WIT at the Jayapura Municipality BPS Office.

From a total of 427 applicants, 338 participants passed the administrative selection and online test and were entitled to take the interview test. The purpose of this interview test is to obtain the commitment and competence of participants as well as the suitability of administrative elements so that candidates for Statistical Partners in 2024 will be obtained, according to the qualification standards set by BPS. The results of this interview will be announced simultaneously in all BPS Regencies / Cities throughout Indonesia on 18 December 2023 by BPS RI (Central BPS).

The interview process conducted by 15 committees of BPS Jayapura Municipality ran smoothly because all participants followed the activities in an orderly and regular manner.

It is hoped that all selected prospective Statistical Partners will be able to meet the quality of BPS so that the Census and Survey field activities can actually produce accurate and reliable data, so that it can be a reference for the local / central government in making public policies (PS).

#Data Companion
#quality statistics for advanced Indonesia

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