Visit of BPS RI Sectoral Statistics Supervisory Team - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jayapura Municipality

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Visit of BPS RI Sectoral Statistics Supervisory Team

Visit of BPS RI Sectoral Statistics Supervisory Team

March 7, 2024 | Other Activities

Jayapura, Sahabat Data - Thursday, March 07, 2024, BPS Kota Jayapura received a visit from the Sectoral Statistics Supervisory Team. Representing BPS Kota Jayapura, the visit of Adi Lumaksono, Principal Statistician and Kiki Damayanti - Junior Expert Statistician of the Directorate of Dissemination of BPS RI was received by the Head of Administration Subdivision, Yanti Reynong and Madya Functional Lia Pujialarasari.
On this occasion, Adi Lumaksono as the coordinator of the BPS RI Sectoral Statistics Supervisor held an audience with the Dissemination Team and Sectoral Statistics Supervisor of BPS Jayapura City while discussing the Jayapura City IPS Socialization and DDA 2024 FGD which was held at the Sian Soor building, Jayapura Mayor's office on Tuesday, March 05, 2024.

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