Visit of Deputy for Distribution and Services Statistics of BPS RI - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jayapura Municipality

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Visit of Deputy for Distribution and Services Statistics of BPS RI

Visit of Deputy for Distribution and Services Statistics of BPS RI

August 21, 2024 | Other Activities

BPS of Jayapura Municipality received a working visit from the Deputy for Distribution and Services Statistics of BPS RI, Dr. Pudji Ismartini M.App.Stat accompanied by the Chief of BPS Papua Province, Adriana Helena Carolina, and the Head of the General Section of BPS Papua Province, Gress Sihombing.
     During her visit, upon entering the BPS of Jayapura Municipality office, Deputy toured the office and employee workspace to see the facilities and also discussing with employees and interns.
          The Deputy provided direction and motivation to all BPS of Jayapura Municipality employees ranging from statistical distribution activities to improving public services through optimising website management. In a meeting with all BPS of Jayapura Municipality employees, in addition to discussions and questions and answers, she also conveyed an overview of BPS challenges in the future such as increasingly specific and diverse stakeholder demands, to respondent burden and refusal. 
          He also motivated all young BPS of Jayapura Municipality employees to continue to develop creativity and innovation, one of which is through ‘Me Time’ activities or writing scientific papers and others by utilising the wealth of data available at BPS (PS).
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