PODES 2024 Officer Training of Jayapura Municipality - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jayapura Municipality

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PODES 2024 Officer Training of Jayapura Municipality

PODES 2024 Officer Training of Jayapura Municipality

April 30, 2024 | BPS Activities

       The training of 2024 Village Potential Data Collection (PODES) officers in Jayapura City took place at Swissbel Hotel Jayapura. The training was opened by the Head of BPS Kota Jayapura Jefry De Fretes, attended by Regional Instructors (INDA) and PODES 2024 officers consisting of 6 PCLs, 2 PMLs and 2 organizers.
       The aims and objectives of the PODES 2024 data collection officer training activities are as follows :
a) Provide a full and complete explanation to officers about the purpose, objectives and importance of the podes data collected.,

b) Equalize officers' understanding of the concepts / definitions, procedures for filling out good and correct lists in accordance with the objectives of the survey, as well as the process of transforming knowledge and building skills from instructors to participants,

c) Through this training, it is hoped that the data collection and supervision process in the field can run well and according to the set schedule, so that the next stage of PODES 2024 activities can run well and produce quality data that can be accounted for both morally and conceptually..

       It is hoped that officers will gain an understanding of the concept of definitions, as well as the procedures for filling out the PODES 2024 questionnaire so that PODES activities run according to the SOP and schedule set by prioritizing the quality of the contents. (PS)

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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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