Rapat Koordinasi dan Evaluasi Akhir EPSS 2024 Kota Municipality - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jayapura Municipality

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Rapat Koordinasi dan Evaluasi Akhir EPSS 2024 Kota Municipality

Rapat Koordinasi dan Evaluasi Akhir EPSS 2024 Kota Municipality

May 31, 2024 | Other Activities

Data Companion - BPS Kota Jayapura together with the Office of Communication and Information and Bappeda Kota Jayapura held a coordination meeting for the implementation of the evaluation of the Implementation of Sectoral Statistics (EPSS) 2024 during the 4th week of May 2024. This activity was carried out after various meetings and coordination in order to screen the Sectoral Statistics activities that will be assessed. The EPSS coordination meeting in the Bappeda meeting room was attended by all members of the EPSS 2024 Internal Assessment Team (TPI), namely the Health Office and the Dukcapil Office as the 2 OPD loci for EPSS assessment in 2024.
           The purpose of EPSS is to measure the progress of the implementation of sectoral statistics in the local government of Jayapura City. Referring to Agency Regulation Number 3 of 2022, the initial stage in the EPSS assessment is a self-assessment by the TPI and continued with an assessment by the Agency Assessment Team (TPB) as a form of verification and validation which results in a Statistical Development Index (IPS) figure and a recommendation letter for improving the quality of sectoral statistics implementation.
           The results of the EPSS in 2024 in the form of the Statistical Development Index (IPS) are again used as one of KemenpanRB indicators in evaluating General Bureaucratic Reform.
           Through this coordination meeting, it is expected to further encourage the strengthening of the business process aspects of sectoral statistical activities, so that it will be more mature in the context of building the quality of sectoral statistics in Jayapura City Government. In addition, it is also expected to realize the synergy between TPI, 2 locus of OPD, and next to other OPDs so that One Data of Jayapura City is increasingly realized (PS).

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