Field Officer Training Updating Enumeration Area (EA) SLS 2024 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jayapura Municipality

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Field Officer Training Updating Enumeration Area (EA) SLS 2024

Field Officer Training Updating Enumeration Area (EA) SLS 2024

June 27, 2024 | BPS Activities

Data Companion - Thursday (27/6) Jayapura Municipality Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) held a Field Officer Training on Updating Enumeration Area (EA) SLS 2024.
           The SLS 2024 EA Updating activity aims to update the administrative areas of Local Environmental Units (SLS) that have changed. The results of the updating of these areas will become a reference for BPS in updating the sample frame in BPS survey activities. The list of SLS identification that has changed was obtained from the results of the 2024 PODES data collection.
          The training was held in the meeting hall of BPS Kota Jayapura, and was attended by the organizers, instructors, supervisors, and field officers. By attending this training, it is expected that all officers can carry out their duties properly and according to the predetermined schedule, namely in the June-August 2024 period, and produce quality area updates. The results of this updating will be used as the basis for processing the SLS map which is a provision in the next series of activities.
         To all pace-mace dong in Jayapura Municipality, let us support all activities of the 2024 in Jayapura Municipality, by accepting and providing complete information to the officer who recorded (PS)

Thank you
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