Ubinan Survey of 2024 in Jayapura Municipality - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jayapura Municipality

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Ubinan Survey of 2024 in Jayapura Municipality

Ubinan Survey of 2024 in Jayapura Municipality

July 9, 2024 | BPS Activities

Data Companion - On Tuesday, July 9, 2024, Ubinan team from BPS of Jayapura Municipality conducted ubinan of secondary crops (corn and peanuts) in Koya Barat, Muara Tami District. Ubinan aims to obtain productivity figures for food crops, especially rice and secondary crops. 
        Information collected included: seed type, planting area, yield weight, fertilizer use and water adequacy. This productivity figure will later become the material for calculating food crop production figures. Unlike other BPS surveys that are conducted on a monthly or quarterly basis, the ubinan survey is conducted in a subround (4-monthly) period.
        This is to match the planting and harvesting seasons in the Indonesian climate. The survey is routinely conducted every year in three periods.
        To all pace-mace dong in Jayapura City, let us support Cropping Survey 2024 in Jayapura Municipality, by accepting and providing complete information to the officer who recorded (PS)

Thank you

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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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