Declaration of Desa Cantik: Hamadi Neighbourhood - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jayapura Municipality

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Declaration of Desa Cantik: Hamadi Neighbourhood

Declaration of Desa Cantik: Hamadi Neighbourhood

September 18, 2024 | Other Activities

          Acting Head of BPS of Jayapura Municipality, Sugiyanto explained that Desa Cantik was formed to develop local governments at the sub-district and village levels to be able to manage their statistical data.
           Desa Cantik is an accelerated programme from BPS that aims to improve the competence of village officials in managing and utilising village data so that village development planning becomes more targeted. BPS as the leading sector in statistical development has an important role in improving data management, utilisation and literacy up to the village level.
          Desa Cantik is a programme to improve the competence of village/kelurahan officials in managing and utilising sectoral data, so that village development planning is more targeted. The Desa Cantik programme is in line with the intention of Satu Data Indonesia, which is to realise the linkage of development planning, implementation, evaluation and control. With the Desa Cantik programme, the community-based village information system can be optimised in the future.
          The declaration of Desa Cantik 2024 was marked by the signing of the Desa Cantik 2024 commitment signed by the Acting Mayor of Jayapura Municipality, Christian Sohilait.
Hopefully the signing of Desa Cantik 2024 will encourage all ASNs within the Hamadi Village office to realise the implementation of quality Sectoral Statistics towards village development and targeted public services (PS).
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