ceremony was held in the courtyard of the Papua Province BPS office led by the Head of BPS Papua Province, Adriana Helena Carolina, SE, M.M.
In her speech, Adriana read out the mandate of the Acting. Head of BPS RI, which among others mentioned the important role of BPS in supporting the vision of the New Archipelago. All BPS elements, from field officers who collect data to structural officials at the Centre who are responsible for methodology and policy must ensure that BPS data collected and presented are quality data.
As the supervisor of sectoral statistics, BPS must ensure that sectoral statistics fulfil the One Data Principle. Guidance and evaluation of the implementation of sectoral statistics must continue to be encouraged to create a good statistical ecosystem in Indonesia. Furthermore, BPS also plays a role in providing insight as the basis for national policy formation.
As a data producer, statistical products produced by BPS must fulfil and serve the needs of data users or be client oriented.
In the context of impactful data, BPS data must continue to be present in providing the right direction and guidance on national and regional issues. All BPS employees across the archipelago are expected to join hands, equalise the pace, and keep moving forward in producing quality statistics.
step forward in producing quality statistics for the progress of the Indonesian nation.
Still in the series of events, the Head of BPS Papua Province gave Satyalancana Karya Satya awards of 10, 20, and 30 years, to employees who have met the administrative requirements. In this ceremony, all ceremony participants wore regional traditional clothing, which represents the unity and diversity of the Indonesian nation. There was even an award for the best traditional outfit from each regency/city present (PS).
#Cinta Satistik
#Sobat BPS