Processing of ST2023 Map and Building Points - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jayapura Municipality

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Processing of ST2023 Map and Building Points

Processing of ST2023 Map and Building Points

November 14, 2023 | BPS Activities

Maintaining the Quality of Geospatial Information of ST2023 Results

 The field activities of the Agricultural Census (ST2023) have been completed. The next activity is the processing of maps and building points resulting from ST2023 activities. Three officers who passed the selection process, two of whom are organic officers, have attended map processing training organised by BPS Papua Province in July 2023.

       The implementation of map processing is scheduled to take place from August to the end of November 2023. In processing this map, BPS uses geospatial technology by utilising satellite imagery. Satellite images are images of the earth's surface recorded by satellites in outer space, hundreds of kilometres away from the earth's surface. This will be very useful for viewing agricultural potential spatially or regionally in Indonesia.
  The output produced from this activity will be geospatial agricultural statistics in the form of Wilkerstat ST2023 Map, and Land Cover Geospatial Framework. Wilkerstat maps include maps of provinces, districts, sub-districts, villages, Census Blocks (BS), and Smallest Environmental Units (SLS).

       In the ST2023 Wilkerstat Geospatial Framework Update, the updated map boundaries are SLS (RT/RW) boundaries, Kp/ Kelurahan and District boundaries affected by the update. The update of SLS (RT/RW) boundaries in Wilkerstat ST2023 uses Qgis software by utilising coordinate points (geotagging) of SLS boundaries taken by field officers and combined with satellite images from Google (Goolge Hybrid) and Lapan Spacemap.
 In addition to geotagging SLS boundaries, field officers have also taken coordinate points in the land cover sample areas. The land cover geotagging information was then processed with a medium spatial resolution satellite image with a wide swath called Sentinel-2.

       Processing of land cover geotagging with Sentinel-2 produces spectral band values. The spectral data was processed using Machine Learning to obtain a geospatial framework map of agricultural land cover. The updating of Wilkerstat ST2023 by utilising satellite imagery is an effort by BPS to provide an up-to-date and quality Geospatial Framework.
  With the availability of the satellite imagery-based Wilkerstat ST2023 layout map, it is expected that its use in various censuses/surveys will more easily recognise the boundaries of its working area.

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