PES (Passenger Exit Survey) Officer Training 2024 BPS Kota Jayapura - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jayapura Municipality

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PES (Passenger Exit Survey) Officer Training 2024 BPS Kota Jayapura

PES (Passenger Exit Survey) Officer Training 2024 BPS Kota Jayapura

January 13, 2024 | BPS Activities

Capturing Jayapura City's Tourism activities

Jayapura, Sahabat Data Tourism has an important and strategic role in national development. This is because the tourism sector is included in one of the national priority programs in the Government Work Plan which is expected to spur economic growth and development in a region. Several important indicators are related, namely the number of foreign tourist visits, the value of tourism foreign exchange, and the contribution of tourism GDP. 

          Meanwhile, Tourism has become one aspect of economic activity in Kota Jayapura. For this reason, BPS Jayapura City in 2024 held a Passenger Exit Survey (PES), where this survey aims to determine the profile of tourists, tourist spending patterns and tourist travel patterns. Data collection will take place in January-December 2024 at the Skouw Cross Border Post with the enumeration method using CAPI.

          The first step in the implementation of this survey was the implementation of officer training for 1 (one) day on January 13, 2024, located at the Jayapura City BPS meeting room. This activity was guided by Syahyudi, a young expert statistician at BPS Kota Jayapura.

          The PES (Passenger Exit Survey) training aims to obtain information on the concept and definition of PES 2024, as well as coordinate with related parties.

Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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