Data Companion - Friday (6/7) Jayapura Municipality Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) conducted an Internalization of Quality Assurance through Quality Gates.
Quality Gates is a form of risk mitigation in the statistical business process that has the potential to affect the quality of data generated from census/survey activities conducted by BPS.
In the logical process of planning, collecting, processing, analyzing and disseminating, Quality Gates is a key process that ensures that no false (errors, defects, and the like) occur at each stage.
Quality Gates is a reflection of the commitment to quality assurance of data and statistical business processes at BPS, so that accurate and quality data is obtained.
In 2024, there are 25 activities that Quality Gates is doing, including:
1. Survei Ekonomi Rumah Tangga Triwulanan (Seruti)
2. Survei Sosial Ekonomi Nasional (Susenas)
3. Survei Angkatan Kerja Nasional (Sakernas)
4. Uji Coba Survei Penduduk Antar Sensus (SUPAS 2025)
5. Survei Perilaku Anti Korupsi (SPAK)
6. Pendataan Potensi Desa (Podes)
7. Survei Perdagangan Antar Wilayah (PAW)
8. Pola Distribusi Komoditas Strategi
9. Survei Harga Konsumen (SHK)
10. Survei Harga Perdesaan (SHPed)
11. Survei Perusahaan/Usaha Jasa Penyedia Akomodasi (VHTL)
12. Survei Vrest UMB
13. Survei Ubinan
14. Survei Perusahaan Hortikultura
15. Statistik Hak Pengusahaan Hutan (HPH/IUPHHK-HA)
16. Laporan Perusahaan Peternakan Unggas
17. Survei Konstruksi Tahunan
18. Survei Tahunan Perusahaan Industri Manufaktur (STPIM)
19. Survei Khusus Neraca Produksi Tahunan
20. Survei Khusus Sektor Jasa
21. Survei Khusus Perusahaan Swasta Non Finansial (SKPS)
22. Survei Khusus Lembaga Non-Profit Tahunan
23. Penyusunan IPM
24. Penyusunan SDGs
25. Survei Kebutuhan Data (SKD)
Through Quality Gates, hopefully the output of census/survey activities at BPS Kota Jayapura will be better through risk mitigation in all statistical business processes.
Come on, pace-mace all those in Jayapura Municipality, let's support all BPS Jayapura City survey activities, by accepting and providing complete information to the officer who recorded (PS).
Thank you
#Sobat BPS