Refreshing the use of Selindo's back office application (BOS) - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jayapura Municipality

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Refreshing the use of Selindo's back office application (BOS)

Refreshing the use of Selindo's back office application (BOS)

November 6, 2024 | Other Activities

Dear Data Companion - BPS Papua Province held a refreshing session on the use of the BOS application. The activity was held at the Aston Jayapura Hotel on November 04-06, 2024. This activity was attended by Regency / City BPS throughout Papua. All BPS Jayapura City employees participated in the activity enthusiastically.

The BOS application is present to answer the development of regulations regarding budget and financial governance issued by the government in an effort to achieve good governance, so that proper understanding is needed from the managers.

BOS is an integrated information system consisting of Budget Management, Finance, Expenditure, Procurement, Personnel that simultaneously runs at the Central and Regional levels (517 work units). BOS supports daily transactions or operations in the management of budget planning, implementation, reporting and monitoring and evaluation.

Hopefully the BOS application will continue to run with the principle of “Applications are made to facilitate work” (PS).

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