Dear Data Companion - BPS of Jayapura Municipality as the statistical advisor in collaboration with Bappeda as the One Data Secretariat, and Dinkominfo Kota Jayapura as the guardian of data, conducted sectoral statistical coaching on 30 August 2024.
This activity focuses on the Statistical Recommendations (Romantik) and Metadata modules. This activity was attended by 9 OPDs at the Jayapura City BPS meeting room. The moderator was Paul Santoso. The speaker were Ikfina Chairani from Papua Province BPS, Suratmi from BPS of Jayapura Municipality, and Yohanes Bara from Communication and Information Office of Jayapura Municipality.
The activity was opened with a briefing by the Head of BPS Jayapura City, Jeffry Yohanes de Fretes. In his direction, he stated that statistical guidance is intended to encourage the development of sectoral statistics in Jayapura City Government to be more reliable and trusted. Therefore, in submitting statistical recommendations, OPD needs to submit the results of the survey conducted to BPS, in the form of publications and metadata to walidata. ‘Providing recommendations for statistical activities is one form of statistical guidance carried out by BPS to realise quality sectoral statistics,’ said Jeffry in front of the participants who followed enthusiastically as seen from the many questions asked.
The speaker from the Provincial BPS explained that the purpose of Statistical recommendations is for BPS to provide advice in the implementation of sectoral statistics to avoid duplication of statistical activities. In addition, with the provision of recommendations from BPS, the results of sectoral statistics can be technically accounted for.
Meanwhile, the third speaker is from Dinkominfo conveyed the socialisation of E-SIPD or E-Walidata, where one of the implementations is that all OPDs that will register their work plans through E-SIPD must get a Statistical recommendation from BPS (PS).
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