2024 Integrity Pact Signing - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jayapura Municipality

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We are ready to apply bureaucratic reform by implementing an integrity zone in all aspects of our work towards a Corruption Free Area and a Clean and Serving Bureaucratic Region

2024 Integrity Pact Signing

2024 Integrity Pact Signing

August 30, 2024 | Other Activities

Dear Data Companion - As a form of commitment to the development of ZI towards WBBM, BPS of Jayapura Municipality signed an Integrity Pact on Friday (30/8) which was attended by all BPS of Jayapura Municipality employees. The signed Integrity Pact makes a statement or promise to oneself about the commitment to carry out duties, functions, responsibilities, authorities, and roles in accordance with the legislation and the ability to maintain the integrity of the position, not to commit corruption, collusion, and nepotism.
           The Head of BPS of Jayapura Municipality, Jeffry Yohanes de Fretes advised all BPS personel to optimise their role in the success of ZI development towards WBBM, and uphold integrity, especially in terms of public services (PS).

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