Evaluation of Price Statistics Activities in 2023 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jayapura Municipality

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Evaluation of Price Statistics Activities in 2023

Evaluation of Price Statistics Activities in 2023

December 15, 2023 | BPS Activities

Evaluation of Price Statistics Activities in 2023

Jayapura, Sahabat Data BPS of Municipality Jayapura conducted an Evaluation of Price Statistics Activities. The activity was held at Horison Hotel Abepura for two days, December 14-15, 2023, which was opened by the Head of BPS Jayapura Municipality, Jeffry Yohanes de Fretes.

     It is known that the evaluation of commodity prices is very important to ensure the relevance of statistical prices to actual prices in the market. Currently, the Central Bureau of Statistics is the only institution in charge of collecting data, and producing statistical price index data. 

      A price index is a comparison between the average price of an item in the year being calculated and the average price in the base year. The base year is the year used as a benchmark in calculating the price index. Statistics generated by the price index are utilized by the government or the private sector, to prevent price fluctuations and inequality between regions. Through the index number, we can also find out the movement of economic activity in the form of fluctuating prices, national income and so on.

      Present as resource persons were Intermediate Statistician of Papua Province BPS, Intan Sinaga and Coordinator of Jayapura Municipality Distribution Statistics Function. The Price Statistics evaluation activity was attended by 50 organic participants and Jayapura Municipality BPS Price Survey Partners (PS)

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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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